Sunday, January 22, 2017

Music Video Analysis

Michael Jackson - Thriller

A very old music video but still one of the best. It is a combination of narrative and performative structure, combined with great visual effects, costume design and makeup.

The entire video is shot in dark and that does not change. What does change is the movement of characters and camera. In the first part, when werewolf is trying to chaise the girl we see a lot of movement going on, then for some time we see stationary shots with characters’ movements only, giving us a bit of relaxation after that action start. Then the camera follows the couple walking home, letting us enjoy the music and performance of Michael Jackson dancing and singing, but at that moment we notice the color change, now the scene is in cold  colors, playing two different roles, first calming us down after the werewolf scene, but then raising our concern and unsafe feeling, transitioning in the scene with graveyard, camera capturing larger landscapes, giving us feeling that they are everywhere, balanced with close-ups on zombies, raising horror in us. All of that allows to transition to the main dancing scene on the street, where Michael shines in his glory, pulling off a stunning and well-choreographed dancing performance, followed by the final set of scenes. Again, we see the girl running from living dead to her house, where they still coming through, breaking closed windows, floor, and doors, ending up surrounding and trapping her on the couch, with Michael as corpse approaching to her. Finally, when he touches her, the scene changed to normal color, and we see Michael as a normal human being, realizing that all the things we saw, was just a dream. He offers a ride home and they walk away when suddenly Michael turns on us showing his werewolf eyes and the scene freezes, making it a key moment of the entire video, making us think that all that horror happening might come true.

The video does not exactly follow the story of the song but it does represent the feeling described in it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows p.1

Three teenage wizards in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows p.1" on their final journey to defeat the Dark Lord.

The search for hope in the darkness.

Location: Forest (weather conditions), Prison of Azkaban
Talents: 3 protagonists, snitchers (6 extras)
Crew: Cameraman, SFX, Make up, Costume designers, Prop designer, Director, Sound designer, Light

Synopsis: Harry and his friends, are getting chased and caught by the snitchers, after accidentally revealing themselves. His friend spells a charm on Harry to disguise his face from their pursuers and he witnesses an event through a mental connection with the Dark lord.

Group: Ryan Emrich, Philipp Mischke and Pavel Eshanov

Monday, January 16, 2017

Who am I

Most of my life I've spent living in Hungary, Budapest, central Europe. Migrated in 1995 with my family from Moscow. I always wanted to be involved in movie or game development, unfortunately in Hungary it was extremely hard to find a school for that purposes. For some time, due to lack of money and other, I thought: "it is impossible, forget about it". But time passed, I've started my career in Hewlett Packard, and after spending 5 years of my life with them I caught myself on another thought: "time is passing, I am not passionate about what I do, I have no idea where I am heading to, my job is "eating" all my time and I am fighting for survival, working additionally as Corporate Graphic Designer". Many other questions arose in my head, so I decided to go back to my dream and think carefully of what my options are. After many months of figuring out all pros and cons, I took a risk to take a loan and fight for something I am passionate about. My ultimate goal is to be a character designer (CG artist) for film or game industry, that is why my concentration is Interactive Media. I have a couple of years to train my skills in Digital Painting as it is one of the most essential parts in the role I have chosen, unfortunately I will have to do that myself, but I know what to do. So I am very excited and looking forward to my future.